intledPin = 3; void setup() { Serial.begin(9600); Serial.println(“Serial connection started, waiting for instructions…n0 = Offn1 = 25%n2 =50%n3 = 75%n4 = 100%”); } void loop () { if (Serial.available()) { char ser =; //read serial as a character //NOTE because the serial is read as “char” and not “int”, the read value must be compared to character numbers //hence the quotes around the numbers in the case statement switch (ser) { case ‘0’: analogWrite(ledPin, 0); break; case ‘1’: analogWrite(ledPin, 64); break; case ‘2’: analogWrite(ledPin, 128); break; case ‘3’: analogWrite(ledPin, 192); break; case ‘4’: analogWrite(ledPin, 255); break; default: Serial.println(“Invalid entry”); } } }