Скетч для Wemos D1 R2, который сканирует наличие сетей Wi-Fi и выводит их список в монитор порта.
/* * This sketch demonstrates how to scan WiFi networks. * The API is almost the same as with the WiFi Shield library, * the most obvious difference being the different file you need to include: */ #include "ESP8266WiFi.h" void setup() { Serial.begin(115200); // Set WiFi to station mode and disconnect from an AP if it was previously connected WiFi.mode(WIFI_STA); WiFi.disconnect(); delay(100); Serial.println("Setup done"); } void loop() { Serial.println("scan start"); // WiFi.scanNetworks will return the number of networks found int n = WiFi.scanNetworks(); Serial.println("scan done"); if (n == 0) Serial.println("no networks found"); else { Serial.print(n); Serial.println(" networks found"); for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) { // Print SSID and RSSI for each network found Serial.print(i + 1); Serial.print(": "); Serial.print(WiFi.SSID(i)); Serial.print(" ("); Serial.print(WiFi.RSSI(i)); Serial.print(")"); Serial.println((WiFi.encryptionType(i) == ENC_TYPE_NONE)?" ":"*"); delay(10); } } Serial.println(""); // Wait a bit before scanning again delay(5000); }
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